Clearing the air

FAQs about the Quadra McKenzie Plan

There has been a lot of misinformation about the Quada-McKenzie Plan. Here are some answers to common questions and concerns.

Will there be high-rise buildings popping up everywhere in our neighborhoods?

No - the plan is actually quite thoughtful about where taller buildings can go. High-rises (12+ stories) are only allowed in very specific spots - mainly at the Quadra-McKenzie intersection, University Heights area, and Gordon Head-McKenzie intersection. Most new housing will be mid-rise (4-6 stories) along the main roads, transitioning to townhouses and low-rise apartments as you move into neighborhoods. The plan is careful about protecting the character of existing residential areas while adding needed housing options.

Is this just about making developers rich?

Looking at the details, this plan is focused on community benefits, not developer profits. Larger projects are subject to mandatory requirements for things like affordable housing, new parks, plazas, daycare spaces, and improved walking/cycling connections. There's a whole section about ensuring new development contributes back to the community. The goal is to create more housing options while making neighborhoods better places to live.
The current zoning structure actually benefits large national developers who have the money to hold a property and wait for rezoning. It is these national developers that are more keen on building highrises. Rezoning puts smaller, close-to-home individuals who are more interested in lowrises and townhouses on the same footing as these country-wide entities.

Won't all this development create horrible traffic?

The plan actually puts a lot of emphasis on reducing car dependency, not increasing it. It calls for improving bus service (including rapid transit on McKenzie), adding protected bike lanes, and making it easier to walk to shops and services. By allowing more housing near frequent transit and creating more local shops and services within walking distance, the goal is to make it easier to get around without always needing a car. The plan recognizes traffic is a concern and takes a multi-pronged approach to address it.

What about the impact on our trees and natural areas?

Environmental protection is actually a big focus of the plan. It requires developers to protect high-value trees, enhance green spaces, and create new parks. There are specific policies to protect sensitive areas like Swan Lake, Christmas Hill, and Blenkinsop Valley. The plan aims to increase tree canopy along streets and ensure everyone lives within a 5-minute walk of green space. It's not about clear-cutting - it's about thoughtful development that preserves nature.The image below shows progressive loss of forest to sprawl in regions around Victoria over the past 10-20 years. If we are truly serious about addressing climate change and ecosystem loss, we must avoid sprawl at all costs and build more urban infill in already developed areas.Click the image to enlarge.

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